157 posts
Virtual Road-Trip: Beachgoing at the Bay of Fundy
Welcome to the Bay of Fundy, the next destination on our virtual cross-Canada road trip! Winding its way between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Bay of Fundy is a unique coastal…
Virtual Road-Trip: The Monarch of Manitoba’s Tallgrass Prairie
As our virtual cross-Canada road-trip continues, we find ourselves in the southeastern part of Manitoba in one of the last remaining stands of Canada’s tall grass prairie. The sea-like swaying…
Virtual Road Trip: Birdwatching in Grasslands National Park
Experience the solitude of the wide-open prairies as the wind ripples through a sea of grass beneath the clear blue sky. Welcome to the latest stop on our VIRTUAL cross-Canada…
Virtual Road-Trip: Trekking in Trois-Rivières
Did you see that? We’ve arrived in Trois-Rivières, the latest stop on our virtual road trip across Canada, and I think I just saw a turtle crossing the road. Join…
Cross-Canada Road Trip: Camping in the Canadian Rockies
Welcome to the next stop on our virtual cross-Canada road trip – Jasper, Alberta! Join us as we virtually explore the vast wilderness of the Canadian Rockies, learn about the…
Virtual Road-Trip: Nighttime Explorations in Newfoundland
We’ve arrived! Welcome to Terra Nova National Park in Newfoundland – the second stop on our virtual cross-Canada road trip. If you missed our first stop, you can check it…
Canada Day – Kicking off our Virtual Canadian Road Trip
Welcome to the first stop on our virtual cross-country road-trip – Ottawa! We’re kicking off our summer exploration in our nation’s capital, just in time for Canada Day. Join us…
Summer Celebration: Commemorating the End of the School Year
Congratulations! You’ve made it through the school year, now its time to celebrate! The spring of 2020 posed new challenges to students, parents and educators alike, as COVID-19 caused widespread…
- Connecting With Nature
- Education & Leadership
- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
- Lakes & Rivers
Five Questions About iNaturalist Canada and CWF’s New Observation Nation
Want to help build a living record of biodiversity across Canada? Join CWF’s new Observation Nation and help us track 50,000 species observations by July 1, 2020. From the tallest…
Beat the Heat: How to Help Wildlife Stay Cool
Who doesn’t love basking in the hot summer sun? Our wildlife friends also appreciate the warmer weather – you’re likely seeing plenty of birds in your backyard and spotting butterflies…