226 posts
We could lose 2.3 million acres of prairie habitat if we don’t act now
In 2013, Canada made a promise to the world: that we would protect 17 per cent of terrestrial habitat and inland water in our country by 2020. We currently protect…
Wetlands: The Unsung Heroes of Our Natural World
Many people view wetlands as nothing more than abandoned wastelands. After all, we can’t build houses or factories on top of marshes and ponds, and we can’t plant crops on swamps and…
Monarch Generations Followed: We’ve Finally Tracked Down These Elusive Butterflies
It’s no secret that the Canadian Wildlife Federation has been worried about the monarch butterfly for quite some time. After their numbers dropped to their all time lowest in 2012,…
Monarchs Still In Decline
[CWF PHOTO CONTEST PICTURES SUBMITTED BY – LEFT: BILL MCMULLEN, MIDDLE: DEBBIE OPPERMANN, RIGHT: MARY HINDLE] In an article I read this morning, monarch numbers in last winter’s annual survey…