The serviceberries are in full bloom, but the petals are starting to drop in the wind. It’s quite fun having a springy shower of petals gently blow around me on my walkabout!

Red trilliums are blooming in our woodland area, just off the path from the parking lot.

So are our white trilliums.

Sensitive ferns are now opening up. They are tiny and delicate at the moment, with a reddy-brown tinge to them. Only 3 or 4 stems seem to come up per clump.

With our fluffy pussy willows finished the other week, another sort of willow begins to flower this week.

Here’s another shot of the golden flowering current. This is an all-round winner of a bush, with attractive fruit that birds just love and then brilliant fall foliage in the autumn weeks.

Barren ground strawberry is now flowering. It is a pretty clumping plant that can make an attractive ground cover.

Melissa, our gardener extraordinaire, noticed a green frog lazing about the pond this week.

And we found another red berried elder in the woods, a litte one that is blooming before the more established bush from across the path.
Stay tuned for more visitors, blooms and other happenings at our wildlife-friendly demonstration gardens!