Posts by tag
Endangered species
We could lose 2.3 million acres of prairie habitat if we don’t act now
In 2013, Canada made a promise to the world: that we would protect 17 per cent of terrestrial habitat and inland water in our country by 2020. We currently protect…
Save Space in Your Heart for These Species at Risk
We all appreciate wildlife, but there are a few species that could use some extra love this Valentine’s Day. The Monarch Butterfly, American Eel, Barren-ground Caribou, and Burrowing Owl are…
Bat Festival
I recently attended a Bat Festival! Batman was in attendance and I was lucky enough to get a picture with him.
What’s happening to the American Eel?
Last week, the Canadian Wildlife Federation helped lead an effort to transport 400 juvenile American Eels from the St. Lawrence River and release them in the Ottawa River near Hawkesbury.
Keep Calm and Save the Turtles
That’s our motto even though we know it’s hard for turtle lovers to actually stay calm when seven of eight turtle species in Muskoka are at risk. But we love…
Start collecting your Shell receipts to Help The Bats!
The Little Brown Bat, along with the Tri-colored Bat and the Northern Myotis are under serious threat. A disease called white-nose syndrome is wiping out entire colonies, and it is…