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Be a Turtle Hero
Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the other side. Not much of a joke, but right now (late May and June) many turtles are crossing roads…
Tips for Making Outdoor Exploring Safer
Getting outside more often is great in theory. But the reality of poison ivy and ticks can create anxiety or even keep people inside. However, experiencing nature is good for…
Biodiversity in Action: Learning About Life on Earth
The diversity of life on Earth is staggering, but much of it remains a mystery to us. More than one million species have been identified on our planet to date,…
The Sonic Markers of Spring
For me, there are certain iconic sounds that herald the arrival of spring and which I look forward to every year. The first male American Robins and Red-wing blackbirds usually…
Fragmented Realities
For four decades, there has been a divisive debate about the lasting effects of disturbing animal habitats. A new study suggests it will make some species more resilient, not less.…
A Burning Problem: Wildfires in Canada
Wildfires are expected to rise in the 21st century, and the trend has already started in Canada’s northwestern boreal regions. What does this mean for Canada and our forests? If…
SOS: Saving Our Species at Risk
Are you ready to step up in support of Canada’s species at risk? You and your family can be part of a national rescue mission to save plants and animals…
Backyard Sanctuary Oasis for Wildlife Photographer
Guest blogger Jason George is a wildlife photographer and CWF Wildlife-friendly Certified Gardener. I love wildlife. I think that Canada has some amazing wildlife. ~Jason George So, a little bit…
Wonderful Wetlands
Interested in learning more about wetlands? Let’s dive in! We’ve put together another set of at-home learning resources to kickstart your wetland discovery and get you thinking about the many…
Spring Means Returning Wildlife, Including Mother Bats
As spring sets in, bats are waking up from hibernation or migrating back from their southern winter homes. Due to current concerns regarding bats and COVID-19, the return of bats…