Cold for Comfort
Why so many marine species are seeking colder waters Most of us know by now that the oceans simply cannot increase their temperatures by more than 2℃ without disastrous consequences…
Risky Business: Death Defying Animal Acts
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Maybe you’ve flown halfway across the globe for a job. Tried skydiving? Or maybe your version of bravery is trying something new at…
Waterways Under A-Salt!
If you thought the use of road salt only impacted our lakes and rivers in the winter, think again! Road salt, usually sodium chloride, is applied to our roads, sidewalks…
CWF Implores Ontario Not to Abandon Species at Risk
A new report by Ontario’s Auditor General is a major concern. In short, Bonnie Lysyk outlines in the report that the “Environment Ministry’s species at risk program misses achieving its…
The Green Budget Coalition Calls for Ambitious Action for 2022
The Green Budget Coalition has released a comprehensive set of recommendations on how the next federal budget can meet the challenge of fighting the dual crises of climate change and…
How to Help Birds
It’s hard not to love Canada’s wild birds. They can inspire us with their grace and resilience and delight us with their songs, beautiful colours or comical antics. Many of…
What’s Your Wish for Canada’s Wildlife This Season?
A cozy home. Plenty of food. Safe passage. We are not the only ones who wish for these comforts. This holiday season, we have the unique opportunity to make wildlife…
Be Like Lichen
What if we could learn a lesson or two in survival from one of the Earth’s weirdest organisms? Lichen in our cities present a powerful metaphor for our biologically troubled…
Animals in Mourning
Death comes knocking on everyone’s door. But are animals capable of grieving for their loved ones? In truth, the jury is still out on whether animals really do mourn. However,…
Alien Species on the Rise
What are these species and how are they affecting our native species here in Canada? A study published last year states that non-native species are expected to increase by…