Canada Blooms Day 8: Wild Rose
Does it get any prettier than this? I think not. Roses. They inspire poetry, are a favorite flower to give as an expression of love and for many, roses are…
Canada Blooms Day 7: Columbine
It’s day seven of Canada Blooms and we can’t believe there are only three more days left to this amazing event! If you haven’t had a chance to stop by…
Canada Blooms Day 6: Bloodroot
Let’s celebrate the bloodroot on day six of Canada Blooms! Spring ephemerals are flowers that make the most of the light that shines down through the open canopy in early…
Get Snap Happy For Spring!
[BY POPULAR VOTE MONTHLY PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY BY JEFFREY GREENWOOD OF QUEBEC] Celebrate the coming of spring with your favourite wildlife photos — past or present. We’re excited to see…
Canada Blooms Day 5: Foamflower
It’s day five of Canada Blooms already! Crazy! We’d love to see you at our booth in Toronto. So let’s celebrate blooms, shall we? Today’s bloom of the day is…
Canada Blooms Day 4: The Serviceberry
[PHOTO] With its springtime blooms and summer fruit, serviceberries have much to offer Canadian birds and beneficial insects. And it just so happens that they look good, too. Serviceberries, known…
Canada Blooms Day 3: The Common Bluet
It’s Day Three! We are so happy to be here at Canada Blooms! Stop by! So let’s talk about something blue, shall we? The Bluet flower! Bluets are native to…
Hinterland Who’s Who: This Hour Has 22 Minutes
Don’t you love a good spoof? Wishing you a very happy Friday!
Canada Blooms Day 1 : The Pasque Flower
CWF is at Canada Blooms! If you’re in the Toronto area, please pop on by and see us at our booth! We’re so excited to be attending that we…
Make a Fairy Garden
Looking to bond with your kiddos outdoors? Many children will enjoy creating an area just for the fairies. For children who aren’t so interested in the wee folk, then perhaps…