This week we’re near Westport, ON along with the Centre for Sustainable Watersheds training the technicians who will be out on some of Ontario’s lakes this summer surveying shorelines as part of the Love Your Lake program.

Lynn training

Lynn Preston, Provincial Shoreline Stewardship Coordinator from the Centre for Sustainable Watersheds, begins the day with an overview of the Love Your Lake program.

David training

David Browne, Director of Conservation from the Canadian Wildlife Federation, discusses the importance of healthy shorelines.

OFAH training

We’re even fortunate to have Matt Smith, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Liaison with Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, present on some of the common invasive species found along Ontario’s shorelines and how to distinguish them from similar looking species.

Training continues over the next few days so that everyone is prepared to deliver Love Your Lake with:

If you’re in these areas over the summer be sure to look for us!