Here are some ideas you can share with family and friends, and take part in to make winter wildlife a priority at home!

  • Keep bird feeders full and clean them off after storms.
  • Build bird houses for the spring.
  • Walk around your property to see if any egg masses from damaging tent caterpillars or gypsy moths can be removed.
  • When you take down the Christmas tree, place it in your backyard as a winter shelter for birds.
  • Put out suet and fat mixes to keep birds warm and give them lots of energy.
  • Make spring clean-up easier by spreading a water-permeable “drop cloth,” such as landscape fabric, under your bird feeder to catch sunflower hulls.
  • Decorate outside trees with strings of unsweetened cranberries, apple slices and orange bits—birds will enjoy this!
  • Take advantage of time indoors to research local wildlife and its needs.
  • Keep track of birds that visit your feeders.
  • Participate in the Christmas bird count. Take your bird-watching hobby to the next level and join the annual Christmas Bird Count. The information gathered is used to generate long-term data on population dynamics and the health of North American birds. To find a “count circle” near you, visit the Bird Studies Canada website and follow the Volunteer Programs link to the Christmas Bird Count.
  • Plan and prepare. Write yourself a list of anything you might need for spring and design any new beds you’re planning to add.

Learn more about the winter world of wildlife by joining CWF’s Below Zero campaign.