As Rivers to Oceans Week comes to a close, we are ending with your garden and a nasty pesticide that’s commonly used: Neonicotinoids.

These pesticides hit the market in the 1990s and have been used on the foods we eat like soy and peas. But they’re also been used on the blooms we plant in our gardens.

Numerous research studies indicate that even small quantities of neonicotinoids (neonics) have a harmful impact on pollinators, such as bees. These chemicals affect their capacity to navigate, forage for food, and procreate. Bumblebee colonies that contain neonics develop at a slower rate and produce fewer queens. Additionally, in certain regions, butterflies are also experiencing a significant decline, particularly in areas adjacent to agricultural land.

It’s time we put pesticides to rest. This summer, we’re asking you to pay close attention at the garden centre. Purchase plants that don’t contain neonics. And if you’re still using pesticides on your garden, it’s time to quit it!

Will you help our waterways today? Pledge to go pesticide free in your garden.