645 posts
Risking Risks
Consider the number 417. On the surface, it may seem unremarkable. It’s even mathematically rather dull — 3 times 139. Meh. But looked at through the lens of carbon concentrations…
Bully Birds: How Can You Keep Bully Birds at Bay?
Birdwatching is supposed to be relaxing right? And it is…until…there’s a flurry of feathers at your feeder. Your amiable chickadees and finches are fleeing and your bird feeder is taken…
Do Birds Divorce?
While some birds are the loyal and true blue, unfortunately others don’t make their love last forever. Sometimes they split up. Let’s take a closer look at Canadian birds –…
Canadians ‘share their feathers’ in celebration of National Bird Feeding Month
February is National Bird-Feeding Month It is an annual 28 day long celebration, aimed at educating the public on the wild bird feeding and watching hobby. The recognition was created…
Nature in the Frame: Winners of the 2020 Reflections of Nature Photo Club
It has been a stressful year of COVID lockdowns and unprecedented turmoil and upset. People everywhere were looking for ways to cope, de-stress and try to be healthy. In the…
How Do Animals Survive the Winter in Canada?
While some species decide to leave the region when winter lays its icy grip at our door, others brave the storm. Let’s take a look at how some of these…
Greening the Hearts and Minds of Future Generations
Pre-COVID-19, Brookfield High School in Ottawa, Ontario started an Eco club. We are the Eco Team, ‘For the Love of Green’, and our mascot is Eeko the Turtle. One of…
What’s in a Name? In Canada? Holiday Cheer!
Canadians have a unique relationship with winter — the season that tends to define us internationally. For the majority of the country, winter brings snow, ice, cold winds, freezing temperatures,…
Bird Brains: Which Are the Smartest Birds, Crows or Parrots?
Ask any birder which birds are the smartest on our planet and you’ll get one of two answers — corvids (i.e., crows, ravens, magpies and jays) or parrots. I have…
Simple Ways to Go Green in Your Kitchen
Who doesn’t love an entire room dedicated to storing, preparing and enjoying food? Whether you’re unloading groceries or cooking a meal with family, the kitchen is one of the most…