
This blog is written by Allysia Park – the Canadian National White Nose Syndrome Coordinator:

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) revealed the results of the last Wildlife Species Assessment meeting (see links below). Following a full report of the COSEWIC review process, the Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis and Tricoloured Bat are recommended to be listed as Endangered. This full report and recommendation were required after the emergency assessment of these 3 species by COSEWIC in 2012. For a spot on the Species at Risk Act (SARA) list, this recommendation must now be presented to the Minister of Environment, who can accept, reject, or send back the recommendation to COSEWIC for clarification. There will also be a public comment period. If the species are placed on SARA, a separate process of Recovery is established by stakeholders, and this will include recommended actions to assist the species.

Press release

Assessment results