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On Golden Pond: Lacing ’em Up in Nature’s Playground
I’ve always been amazed by artists who can stare at a block of wood, granite or cement and somehow envision a statue hidden away inside, just waiting to be liberated…
Putting Citizen Science in Action To Capture Canada’s “Nature Selfie.”
Imagine taking a photo of an unknown organism, posting it online and immediately having it identified by expert naturalists from around the world. iNaturalist is an online service that allows…
A Close Call for Bats in Almonte, Ontario
In December 2017, several parishioners of a heritage church in Almonte, Ontario noticed that a colony of Big Brown Bats had returned to the church after being evicted in the…
A Resolution We Must Keep
Our thanks to the Toronto Star for its January 2nd editorial calling on the federal government to make a New Year’s resolution to save the critically endangered North Atlantic Right…
American Eels Need Your Help by January 11th!
The American Eel population has declined by more than 99 per cent in Ontario. That’s not a typo — it’s a fact. American Eels were once one of the most…
The Bat Rangers
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by an enthusiastic primary school teacher who informed me that she and her students were up to something very special this holiday…
A Salty Problem for Wildlife
Winter driving is challenging in many parts of Canada. Snow and freezing rain can make for slippery roads and treacherous driving. Road salt has long been used to melt ice…
Wow, that was one amazing year! Celebrating Canada’s 150th with Hinterland Who’s Who
What a year we’ve had! Here at Hinterland Who’s Who, we’re wrapping up a super busy -but fun- year. Of course, we wanted to celebrate Canada’s 150th with you, and…