227 posts
A Good Start for Monarchs
The overwintering Monarch population in Mexico has increased. Let’s help them when they make their trip home to Canada! The monarch butterfly boasts a 4,000 kilometre migratory trek – that’s…
Hola Monarcha!
Guest blogger Donna Cook is a nature interpreter who writes about her recent visit to the Monarch Butterflies’ overwintering grounds in Mexico. Lying down in a high mountain meadow looking…
Devastating Downfall for Western Monarchs: A Harbinger of Things to Come?
All along the California coast in fall and winter, there are places you can visit where colonies of adult Monarch butterflies overwinter. At the ocean’s edge, dozens or even hundreds…
The Next Extinction Level Event — Is It Already Here?
Are we witnessing a mass extinction? Life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago. Since then it’s been through a lot — including five mass extinctions. That last extinction occurred…
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Reviewing the Risks: The Latest Assessments at the COSEWIC Meeting
Three Canadian species at risk of disappearing from Canada are… The assessment of 22 wildlife species by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in November…
- Coasts & Oceans
- Connecting With Nature
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- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
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- Species
Santa’s Got Company
The Arctic tundra is a fascinating area between the edge of the boreal forest and the permanent ice caps closer to the North Pole. This areas spans across Yukon, the…
Celebrating World Soil Day
“Essentially, all life depends on the soil … There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.” ~Charles E. Kellogg These words…
Over 83,000 CWF Supporters Have Joined With Half a Million Canadians Who Want Neonics Gone
Concerned citizens are calling for an immediate ban on bee-killing neonic pesticides in Canada. Ottawa concluded consultations on the latest neonic risk assessments on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. Experts Agree…
Diving into Winter
Below zero temperatures, chilly winds, snow covered grounds…. How do Canadian wildlife prepare themselves? Let’s dive right into wildlife in winter! The change in colours, the brisk air, the frost……
Helping At-Risk Freshwater Turtles: From Start to Finish
In June of this year, CWF’s turtle team spent many long evenings searching for turtles laying eggs. In particular we were looking for Snapping Turtles and Blanding’s Turtles in the…