638 posts
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] Summer sights and sounds abound – from the songs of crickets to dragonflies buzzing by and more blooms gracing our various garden beds. Around town, honeysuckles and lilacs…
Practice Makes Perfect
[PHOTO CREDIT CWF PHOTO CONTEST, DESIREE DYCK] While I knew birds use song for a variety of purposes such as to attract mates and to defend territories, I had no…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] Around the area, crabapples are fading but the soft pink and white blush of apple blossoms are peaking, with lilacs and honeysuckles joining the show. At the CWf…
This Week in Our Garden
[PLANT PHOTOS: CWF] It seems most roads I drove along this week had at least one crabapple in full bloom, with gorgeous shades of pinks and some with early apple…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] I’ve been seeing red admiral butterflies these past few weeks but today managed to get a few shots of one on our golden current (Ribes aureum). This photo…
The North Saskatchewan River
[Photo Credit] Here we are at the North Saskatchewan River. “Kisiskatchewan” or the “swift-flowing river” of the Cree begins in the Columbia Icefields of the Rocky Mountains, travels across Alberta…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] It’s almost May and…it snowed. Yup. And it didn’t just sprinkle down…it stuck…for hours. For my friend in the Quebec Laurentians, it lasted days thanks to the cold…
Ancient Plant Blooms Again
[PHOTO] When you look at this plant, imagine a wooly mammoth or saber-toothed cat walking by. “What on earth?” you might say…although “when on earth” might be more relevant. This…
Studies on Bees
Check out these two articles. They profile recent studies on how the health of bees is being affected by toxins in the environment, such as pesticides. They were sent to…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] Spring has sprung and the CWF Demonstration Gardens are waking from their winter slumber. Our wildlife-friendly garden showcases a large variety of Canadian native plants and through…