Wasps don’t have the best reputation.
They’re not exactly a welcome sight at BBQs or outdoor picnics, are they? Studies show that, as you might suspect, wasps are more disliked than their fuzzy bee relatives. Unfortunately, the negative feelings toward wasps are very likely due to the fact that there is significant lack of knowledge and education regarding the substantial benefits wasps bring to the planet’s function, health, and sustainability.
However, wasps are economically and ecologically important organisms. Wasps play a role in pollinating crops and flowers. They are also incredibly proficient at managing pest populations.

The next time you cringe at the sight of a wasp zipping past you at a pool party, instead of getting out the fly swatter, try thinking about these very cool wasp facts instead:
- Wasps can be found everywhere except for Antarctica.
- Wasps can recognize another wasp by identifying the individual from their unique facial patterns.
- There are 30,000 identified species of wasps.
- Wasps can create their own paper to build their nests with by chewing and spitting out pieces of bark.
- Social wasps use their stingers as a defence, whereas solitary wasps use their stingers and venom for hunting.
- Only female wasps have stingers, and the stingers are actually a modified egg-laying organ.
- Wasps come in any colour imaginable including red, orange, green, blue, and, of course, yellow and black.
- Wasps have proven to be capable of using logic. They can use two separate pieces of information to draw a conclusion. This is believed to be the first suggestion that invertebrates are able to use logical deduction.
What about the European wasps that are always after you when you are eating outside?
All above is true, yet in August wasps become aggressive and will sting unprovoked.
That is why the have gotten such a bad rep.
If one could sit outside and enjoy the garden without worrying as to whether that wasp or yellow will sting us, then we would appreciate their other excellent qualities.
Have been curious whether or not they are pollinators as I
don’t see many bumblebees, but plenty of wasps. So, if they
pollinate, I like them !!
They think u are a enemy.
Putting out a bowl of cut, overripe grapes some way away from the table will lure most wasps away from the buffet. Wasps do pollinate and they eat about a half tonne of aphids, bugs, spiders and worms a day. Wasps also wrestle for rank and the more black spots a wasp has on its face, the higher it’s ranking, earning it better food, better care and more allowance to lay eggs……however, there are lazy wasps who fake the facial markings to have it easier, and, if the cheating slackers are discovered, they will get very rough aggressive treatment during sparring.
I thought the 8 reasons was going to make me hold off on the electric racket. Trouble is it’s just a list of facts about wasps.
Now I know to swat 10 different colours of the buggers.
Put the shoe on the other foot.