
Do you remember gazing at the stars when you were a kid and trying to make out the big dipper? Well these days, you’d be lucky to find an eight-year-old who’s seen the big dipper, let alone knows what it is. Thanks to Thomas Edison’s light bulb moment, up to 63 per cent of the world lives in areas where bright city lights outshine the sky’s brightness by 10 per cent. But did you know lighting up the night can actually harm nocturnal animals and wildlife – even marine wildlife?

Struggling Under the Sea

Studies show that artificial light can actually throw a wrench into the reproductive activities of corals, which reproduce based on moonlight timing. Moreover, many marine organisms rely on the darkness of the depths of the ocean to survive; even a smidgen of light can expose them to predators. Sea turtles choose dark beaches to nest so that their hatchlings will be drawn to the bright sea horizon, but with city lights creating their own hazy illumination, these tiny turtles are heading toward the land behind the beach. In Florida alone, hundreds of thousands are killed every year.

Learn the other challenges that leatherbacks face at The Great Canadian Turtle Race today!