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CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF] Can you spot the bee? Look closely and you’ll even see the delicate veins on its wings! Bees are still busy pollinating our many flowers. In addition…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO: CWF] Need help after an encounter with poison ivy or stinging nettle? Look no further than this helpful little plant – jewelweed, also known as spotted jewelweed, spotted touch-me-not, or by…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF] Around this time our Wildlife-Friendly Demonstration Garden is coloured with ripening fruit. Our deep blue-purple pagoda dogwood berries have already been devoured by waxwings and other birds, but more…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF] I’ve yet to meet a person who didn’t like hummingbirds, those tiny winged dynamos that can hover and move about in all directions with such seeming ease.…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF] Canada is home to many beautiful ferns. Since I began paying attention to them, I have come to appreciate the many different textures that ferns offer, apart…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF] Bees and butterflies are busy pollinating the flowers in our Wildlife-friendly Demonstration Garden. It’s always fun to take a minute to watch them at work. It’s then that…
CWF Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CWF CO-OP STUDENT MARIA TOLYMBEK] CWF’s headquarters has several beds in its Wildlife-friendly Demonstration Garden, such as the Bird Bed and the Drought Bed. This shot was taken in…
Garden Photo of the Week
[PHOTO CREDIT: CANADIAN WILDLIFE FEDERATION’S DEMONSTRATION GARDEN] Monarch butterflies benefit from our many native milkweeds but tend to prefer this one, Asclepias syriaca, also known as common milkweed. The flowers have…
Canada Blooms Day 10: Blue Flag
It’s our last day at Canada Blooms. Boohoo! We’ve had so much fun and it’s been amazing connecting with so many people who love gardening as much as we do!…
Canada Blooms Day 9: Dogwood
No matter where you live in Canada, chances are there is a dogwood for you. Visually appealing and magnets for wildlife, these plants are bound to please both the gardener…