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How to Create a Pollinator-friendly Lawn
When did a lush, green lawn become a “healthy lawn”? Today, lawns consist of ornamental turf grass that is mowed and controlled to achieve a certain aesthetic. Lawns with “weeds”…
What is a Pollinator Pathway?
Pollinator habitat is becoming increasingly diminished and fragmented, due in part to the growth of human communities, transportation corridors and industry. Almost 90%. Flowering plants across the globe that are…
Mitigating Freshwater Turtle Deaths
Have you ever described what you do at work and been asked: “Okay, but why?” I’ve encountered this fairly often when talking to friends and family about my work with…
- Connecting With Nature
- Education & Leadership
- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
- Gardening
Give Butterflies a Place to Drink
Interest in butterfly gardening is on the rise. It’s a good thing, too, as it is an important way to help butterflies and other pollinators. But did you know that…
- Connecting With Nature
- Education & Leadership
- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
- Gardening
- Species
Pollinator Recovery? A Critical Step When Banning Neonics
Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, moths and flies, play critical roles in ecosystems and in the production of our food. If you’ve eaten an apple or worn a comfy cotton…
Hatching a Turtle Recovery Plan
Turtles are in serious trouble. All eight species of freshwater turtles in Canada are listed as Species At-Risk. This makes turtles one of the most endangered groups of wildlife in…
My Answer to the Age-Old Question
“So, what do you do?” My barber asked me this common enough question a few weeks ago. In the spirit of small talk, I boiled it down to the most…
16 ways to protect your garden in a drought without being wasteful
I vividly remember the first drought I ever experienced. It was in 2012 with what seemed like a never-ending heat wave in Ontario. It was also the year I decided…
Would You Ever Live With Bats?
Have you been hearing squeaks? Seeing bats flying around your roof? You may have bats in your home. This news might freak out a lot of people, but don’t put…
- Connecting With Nature
- Education & Leadership
- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
- Gardening
- Species
8 Cool Facts About Wasps That’ll Make You Love Them!
Wasps don’t have the best reputation. They’re not exactly a welcome sight at BBQs or outdoor picnics, are they? Studies show that, as you might suspect, wasps are more disliked…