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Leach’s Storm-petrel: A Sentinel of the Ocean
In the military, a “sentinel” is a soldier whose role is to guard or be on the lookout for dangers that could otherwise go undetected. This concept can be applied…
Nature: Canada’s Most Beautiful Classroom
Mounting evidence suggests that teaching children outside is hugely beneficial to their wellbeing as well as their overall education. One such study found that classes taught inside following outdoor education…
Canadians Contribute Millions of Observations for a New 50 Million Global Record!
As of September 20, 2020, iNaturalist has more than 50 million records of wild biodiversity with photos or sounds, which allowed verification by the iNaturalist community — Canada contributing almost…
Tips for Entering Our Annual Photography Contest
Our annual photo contest is open right now, which means if you’ve taken a pretty great photo, you should enter it! What constitutes a pretty great photo? Mostly, you need…
Sea Otters and Cephalopoda — Filming Wildlife in B.C.
In August of 2019, the Hinterland Who’s Who team left for wonderful British Columbia. Our goal was to film our latest videos on the Sea Otter and the Giant Pacific…
Exploring Otter Space
Sea Otters always seem to be enjoying a great joke. They have big eyes and bigger noses, framed by erect whiskers. They seem to show constant surprise. They’re often spotted…
Green Your Playroom
Make no mistake. The great outdoors is the finest playroom on earth. But sometimes the heavens open and it pours cats and dogs, the temperatures dip too low, and you’re…
Come Together: 6 Animals That Work Best As A Team
Sometimes when you stick together you can get a lot more done than if you go it solo. Let’s explore the six animals that get the job done by leaning…
Turtle Pirates Strike Near Kingston, Ontario!
Turtles face many threats including the loss of wetlands, being hit on roads by cars and having their nests destroyed by predators. As a result of these threats, all eight…
Virtual Road Trip: Paddling Canada’s West Coast
Final Stop! Get ready to explore the wild, untamed beaches and lush coastal temperate rainforest of Vancouver Island – the final stop on our virtual cross-Canada road trip. Home to…