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Is It Safe to Swim With Snapping Turtles?
We’ve all heard the stories. (Cue spooky voice) “Snapping Turtles can grow to massive sizes, with jaws strong enough to bite through a broom handle — or worse — your…
What’s Happening to Canada’s Common Loons?
Mention Common Loons and images of pristine lakes echoing with the enchanting calls of these beloved water birds probably comes to mind. However, recent data reveals a cry for help…
6 Native Plants That are Hardest to Kill
If you’re new to gardening or have happened to make multiple house plants kick the bucket, this story is for you! We’ve got six native plants that are next to…
What’s Your Impact on Canada’s Conservation?
“Go play outside!” You probably heard those words a few times when you were growing up. I certainly did. My parents often told me to “go outside and play,” and…
Water in the Prairies
Close your eyes and think of water. Imagine waves crashing on a coastline, a babbling brook, diving into a clear-water lake off a boat dock. Canadians are blessed by water,…
Celebrating Indigenous History Month
June is National Indigenous History Month. This is an opportunity to recognize the history, heritage and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. It’s a chance for…
Lawn options in a wildlife-friendly garden
Many people are thinking about modifying their lawns, to either help pollinators, save grass cutting time or reduce/eliminate the fuel and emissions associated with lawn mowers. But we’ve all got…
Swimming While Dead
How can we stop entanglement? Some might say that fisheries have not changed much over the years. Fish harvesters go to sea in their boats, set traps or nets, and…
Why Did the Blanding’s Turtle Cross the Road?
The Blanding’s Turtle is undoubtedly one of our favourite freshwater turtle species. It has often been touted as something of a posterchild for turtle conservation efforts in and around the…
Biting Bugs? Fight Back
Spring has sprung, and with its return are biting insects. To cope, try creating a haven for bug-eating allies in your backyard. Here’s how. Attract birds Grow a variety of…