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Beneficial Insect Water Dish
[PHOTOS: ROBIN AND SARAH COULBER] So many of us have a water source for birds and some have larger features such as ponds which accomodate amphibians and fish, too. But…
This Week in Our Garden
Another aster is blooming – New England aster. But despite more asters and goldenrods putting on their show in our garden and along roadsides, I’m not saying the ‘F’ word…
What An Eggshell Can Tell You
Image Credit University of Guelph researchers studied nearly 700 herring gull eggs from the Great Lakes region and have found that based on egg colour they can determine environmental contamination…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] As summer moves on, many flowers continue to bloom such as echinacea, brown eyed Susans, our wild onions and coreopsis. Pearly everlasting is still going strong, too.…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] These cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum) flowers are the latest addition to the blooms in CWF’s Wildlife-friendly Demonstration Garden, giving our local bee population some much needed nectar and…
River of the Month – The Hillsborough River
Image Credit Which river nearly divides Prince Edward Island in half? If you answered the Hillsborough River – that’s correct! Beginning in the hills above Mount Stewart, this 45 km…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] Berries are ripening and birds are feasting! This week our pagoda dogwood berries (shown above) are attracting waxwings and eastern kingbirds, among others. I see glimpses of many…
Miraculous Metamorphosis
[PHOTOS: SARAH COULBER] I’m the sort that gets rather nervous at the idea of bringing in a wild animal for observation. For starters, it’s usually illegal. But I’m not talking…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] Well, we’re now officially in a level 2 drought, with no rain for weeks and temperatures continuing in the 30s and sometimes 40s with humidity. The plants in…
This Week in Our Garden
[PHOTOS: CWF] I don’t know what the weather’s like where you are, but I’m finally caving in and commenting on ours…hot and dry and has been for ages now! In…