226 posts
A City-slicker Taking on the Grassland Insect Project
To your average city-slicker, native grasslands may not be the first thought when it comes to a unique and diverse ecosystem. Hey — no judging — I am a city-slicker.…
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Build a Rock Garden for Pollinators
Help the butterflies and bees in your backyard One in three bites of food we eat are thanks to pollinators. You can thank them for the bounty in your own…
The Prairie Duck Factory
Home on the range, where the … ducks … and the antelope play? In A Sand County Almanac, that classic of natural history published in 1949, Aldo Leopold describes the…
6 Early Summer Wildflowers in the Carolinian Forest
The Long Point Basin on Lake Erie’s north shore is one of Canada’s most biologically diverse regions. Nestled in the heart of the Carolinian Ecozone, this region is comprised of…
Winter Monarch Butterfly Population Numbers Released — And It’s Not Good
The newest winter counts for the winter population of eastern Monarch Butterflies have been released (March 21, 2023). “In December 2022, Monarchs occupied 2.21 hectares, compared to 2.84 hectares at…
Am I Bugging You?
It is a common — and completely understandable — misconception that the best habitats for biodiversity are undisturbed habitats. The grasslands conjure an image of thick mature forests, tall waving grasses…
Things are Stacking Up Against the Monarch
The Canadian Wildlife Federation and other conservation groups have been pushing for the Monarch Butterfly to be listed as Endangered, a decision which is expected to come from the Government…
Grow These 13 Plants to Give Spring Bees Something to Forage
Bumblebees are some of our first pollinators to emerge from hibernation in the spring. Researchers from the University of Ottawa have found that, with climate change, spring is arriving earlier…
A Deadly Virus Attacking Bees
A new threat has taken hold of Canada’s bee population that is showing no signs of slowing down. Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) works by deforming the bees’ wings and restricting…
Conserving Our Pollen Nation
If prairie flowers were countries, and bees their only residents, then not only would this world rival ours for diversity and population size, but their economies would be, well, humming.…