335 posts
My First Day on the Job Helping At-risk Turtles
I woke up early with excitement on the morning of June 15th, 2017, because it was my first day working at Scales Nature Park. I didn’t know what my official…
Is Canada Ready to Stand Up for the North Atlantic Right Whale?
Update (July 22, 2017): DFO has now completely closed the crab fishery in Area 12. This will help prevent more entanglements and it is a further, unprecedented action that is…
Investigating the loss of 6 Right Whales
Last month, six North Atlantic Right Whales were found dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. For a critically endangered population of just over 500 individuals, these deaths represent approximately…
Build it and they will hatch
Every June female turtles leave their homes in swamps and marshes to lay their eggs. A turtle “nest” is a fairly simple affair: the female digs a hole in the…
Why did the turtle cross the road?
The answer to this play-on-words is far from a children’s joke. Turtles often use a variety of wetlands over the course of the year. They may spend the winter in…
Our first turtle outing of the season
Last Wednesday, CWF’s Turtle Team set out in search of Blanding’s Turtles. Our goal? To expand the amount of protected wetland habitat within the Ottawa area. With a number of…
We could lose 2.3 million acres of prairie habitat if we don’t act now
In 2013, Canada made a promise to the world: that we would protect 17 per cent of terrestrial habitat and inland water in our country by 2020. We currently protect…