Posts by author
Putting Citizen Science in Action To Capture Canada’s “Nature Selfie.”
Imagine taking a photo of an unknown organism, posting it online and immediately having it identified by expert naturalists from around the world. iNaturalist is an online service that allows…
By Popular Vote: December 2017
Congratulations to Brenda Doherty of Ariss, Ontario for receiving the most votes in the By Popular Vote photo contest last month! The theme for November was Heading for Hibernation. Visit our online photo gallery to…
By Popular Vote: November 2017
Congratulations to Linda Danyluk of Lethbridge, Alberta for receiving the most votes in the By Popular Vote photo contest last month! The theme for October was Spooky and Endanger-ous. Whether they spook you or…
Your Right Whale Questions Answered
With the 11th North Atlantic Right Whale found dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, totaling 14 mortalities in the Atlantic since June, there are many questions surrounding the largest…
Eight Ways To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint
There are an estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean worldwide, with 8 million metric tons added to the ocean every year. Wildlife are dying at a rapid…
My First Day on the Job Helping At-risk Turtles
I woke up early with excitement on the morning of June 15th, 2017, because it was my first day working at Scales Nature Park. I didn’t know what my official…
My Summer as an Insect Field Technician
I grew up on a farm in North Easthope Township in southwestern Ontario. As a kid, I was surrounded by farming and big equipment, with an understanding of the environment…
Our first turtle outing of the season
Last Wednesday, CWF’s Turtle Team set out in search of Blanding’s Turtles. Our goal? To expand the amount of protected wetland habitat within the Ottawa area. With a number of…