Posts by tag
invasive species
Mission Biodiversity – Intercept Invasive Species!
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It… Welcome back to our year-long operation to engage Canadians in supporting wildlife and habitat conservation – Mission Biodiversity! Your mission this month…
Invasive Alien Species 101: What You Need to Know
When non-native animals, plants and organisms enter a new region due to human activities, they become alien species. If these species begin to flourish at the expense of native ones,…
Best Turtle Friend Forever?
Losing a pet is always hard. Pets become part of our families and the death of one can be heart-breaking. Is it possible, though, that some pets can outlive their…
CWF Studies Invasive Red-eared Sliders’ Behaviours in Canadian Basking Sites
“Can I have a pet turtle?” A phrase many parents (my own included) the world over have heard from their kids upon encountering the tank of baby turtles at the…
Butterflies Plant Preferences May Be Changing — And in an Unexpected Direction
Climate change is a serious and, unfortunately, always present concern for our planet. Its impacts are far reaching and may also affect the ‘seasonal routine’ of many organisms, including the…
Cane Toad Fail
Decades ago, some genius Down Under decided to introduce a voracious predator to eliminate annoying beetles… Bad idea ON JUNE 1, 1935, REGINALD MUNGOMERY, AN AUSTRALIAN insectscientist, unwittingly set into…
Alien Species on the Rise
What are these species and how are they affecting our native species here in Canada? A study published last year states that non-native species are expected to increase by…
How Much is That Turtle in the Window?
A lot of pet stores sell hatchling turtles. Many of those tiny turtles are Red-eared Sliders, named that because they have red stripes along the sides of their heads. Those…
Invasive Species: An At-Home Alien Exploration
Weekly Wild Update Alien invaders have landed! We’re not talking about the kind from outer space, but the kind right here on Earth. What happens when plants and animals are…
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The Good, the Bad and the Invasive
Did you know that the second largest threat to biodiversity is invasive species? That’s right after habitat loss. Non-native species can come from other countries or from right here in…