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fish barriers
Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Could Help Save the American Eel
The American Eel — known as kichisippi pimisi in Algonquin and tyawerón:ko in Mohawk — is an incredibly important species not only ecologically but also culturally. They have been in decline for…
New and Improved! CABD Tool Helps Canadian Rivers — And Fish
We are pleased to announce updates to the Canadian Aquatic Barriers Database! In celebration of World River’s Day (September 24, 2024), the Canadian Wildlife Federation launched even more features to…
Wonderful News For World Wetlands Day
On February 2, 2024, the world celebrates wetlands and human well-being. This is a great opportunity to showcase one of our fish passage projects in British Columbia. Turning the Tides…
Breaking Barriers
Over the years, we have built hundreds of thousands of dams, culverts, levees and road crossings. These human-made barriers are riddled across our waterways. There are more than 40,000 dams…
Cross Creek Fish Passage Restoration
Cross Creek — Nedut’en of the Witsuwit’en Lake Babine Nation — runs through the center of Pendleton Bay Provincial Park. In 2021, the crossing under Babine Lake Road was replaced…
Campbell Creek is Born Again
New Brunswick’s Campbell Creek flows free again for the first time in 100 years. Built in 1919, the Campbell Creek dam was a well-known landmark in Marysville, New Brunswick. It…
Flooded with Hope for Salmon
The devastating floods in British Columbia have shattered roads, homes, businesses and communities. But they have also raised hopes that together we can build back better, prioritizing not just how…