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Finding My Way in Alberta Parks — CCC Participant Update
Group 1 participant Brendan Riley sent an update on his experiences. He had been volunteering with Alberta Parks South Region during the field learning stage of the Canadian Conservation Corps (CCC) program.…
Playing on Your Phone Can Help Conserve Wetlands
You can conserve wetlands. That’s right. I said it. Just to be clear: You can conserve wetlands. Many parts of southern Canada have lost more than half of their historical…
The Lekking Grounds
Monday’s suck. They just do. The thought of waking up at three a.m. to drive to the middle of nowhere to sit in a field on the most unfortunate day…
No More Excuses — Time to Get Outside With Your Kids!
There are very few things that I like more than spending time in nature with my two kids. My son, a lively ten year old loves mountain biking, exploring and…
Why Our Wildlife is Part of What Makes Me Canadian
“These lands and the wildlife that occupy them are an important part of my identity as a Canadian.” ~Carolyn Callaghan, Senior Conservation Biologist, Terrestrial Wildlife As Canada Day approaches, I…
Oh Crap! Take Care of That Septic System
What is… …out of sight …constantly working …something that can impact water quality, pose health risks to people and can contaminate drinking water, if it isn’t maintained? If you guessed septic…
Modernizing the Fisheries Act
Canada’s Fisheries Act has now been re-jigged and cast to the Senate for final review before becoming law. While that’s something to celebrate, there are still a few lines that…
Meet the 2018 Conservation Achievement Award Winners, Honouring Canadians From Coast to Coast
The Canadian Wildlife Federation is proud to announce the winners of its national conservation awards. This year’s recipients represent seven provinces and countless Canadians who are making a profound and…
- Connecting With Nature
- Education & Leadership
- Endangered Species & Biodiversity
- Forests & Fields
- Species
Living the Dream…With Turtles
Christina is a Group 1 participant in the Canadian Conservation Corps. A few months ago I never would have thought I would be working my dream job — a turtle…
Tropical Sea Turtles in Canada!?
Laura Newman is a participant in Group 2 of the Canadian Conservation Corps. She writes of her experience in her field learning placement. It’s true! Every summer our waters are invaded by gentle…