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Thanks, Mom!
A Longer Childhood Makes Young Birds Smarter It is no surprise that humans are unusual – we have extraordinarily large brains and generally speaking most of us have ‘extended childhood’.…
Back Off!
The fight or flight response is in our DNA. In fact, it’s in the DNA of animals across the world. However, some animals have particularly peculiar ways of defending themselves.…
Closing-up the Cottage With Nature in Mind
With fall comes sweater weather, beautifully coloured leaves, cooler temperatures, and for many — time to close the cottage for winter. Below are some shoreline-friendly tips to keep in mind…
The Secret Life of Bats: Attics, Evictions and Alternative Roosts
It’s hard being a bat these days. Bats have had a bad reputation for centuries due to unfounded fears, most recently getting bad press with the global pandemic. Also, in…
Q&A With Avian Expert David Bird, Part Two
Boy, did you have a lot of questions about birds! Since the previous post “Q&A With Avian Expert David Bird” was so successful, we thought we’d include even more of…
Goodbye and Goodluck, Monarch Butterfly
Today, as I write this blog, I am looking out the window at the changing leaves on the trees, and it with a little sadness that I accept that the…
Dead Trees Living
Cavities in snags and hollow trees provide essential habitat to countless bird, mammal and insect species. When cities take these trees down, usually to avoid legal liability, local wildlife disappears.…
Avian Acrobats
The barn swallow is one of the world’s most common and widespread species, inhabiting every part of the globe except Antarctica. In Canada, it graces every province and territory, arriving…
Thanks for Giving
As Canada’s largest conservation-based charity in Canada, we have always known that our fantastic supporters are the foundation of all we do. Without the strong base of Canadians who care…
Native Trees and Shrubs with Autumn Colour
Fall is a lovely time to enjoy another stage of our plants – their changing leaf colours. We’re all familiar with the famous Canadian maples and their reds, oranges and…