Momma’s Monarch Watch
Like so many good things, it all started on a languid summer day at the cottage. The kids had fished and caught frogs, and it was still too cool for…
Your Right Whale Questions Answered
With the 11th North Atlantic Right Whale found dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, totaling 14 mortalities in the Atlantic since June, there are many questions surrounding the largest…
Eight Ways To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint
There are an estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean worldwide, with 8 million metric tons added to the ocean every year. Wildlife are dying at a rapid…
Dead on the Road
Road mortality is a major threat to turtles for a number of reasons. Turtles can take up to 20 years to reach maturity and be able to breed, and once…
Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale
There are only about 500 North Atlantic Right Whales left in the world. Based on scarring patterns, it is estimated that more than 100 of these whales get entangled in fishing…
Uniting Technology to Track Whales
The glider in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence has been monitoring Right Whales in that area for nearly three months now, and it has been a fascinating survey. In…
My First Day on the Job Helping At-risk Turtles
I woke up early with excitement on the morning of June 15th, 2017, because it was my first day working at Scales Nature Park. I didn’t know what my official…
Why 10 Days Kayaking With Chronic Pain Was The Best Choice I Ever Made
I have always been sheltered from the world, and have watched in complete wonder at its immense beauty. So when asked to participate in the Canadian Conservation Corps (pilot) Outward…