161 posts
Canada’s Brilliant Oceans
CWF’s very own Marine Manager, Dr. Sean Brillant visited the Vancouver Aquarium to encourage people to learn about and protect our ocean heritage! Check out his presentation here!
Turtle-cam: Life from a leatherback’s perspective
We’re happy to announce that our friends at the Canadian Sea Turtle Network has been having some exciting success lately with their leatherback seaturtle research. You may remember a few…
Miss Lily Rose
Do you remember our Great Canadian Turtle Race? A couple of years ago, our partners, The Canadian Sea Turtle Network, tagged ten leatherback sea turtles off the Atlantic coast. And…
CWF has arrived at the Salute to the Sockeye Salmon Festival and so have the sockeye!
[Wade Luzny, CWF’s CEO/Executive Vice-President taking a moment to check out this spectacular event] [Sockeye in the Adams River] Although the salmon were a bit late they have now arrived.…
Humpback Loses ‘Threatened’ Status
Written by Sean Brillant, Manager of Marine Conservation [IMAGE] The announcement by the Canadian government over the Easter holiday weekend that it will be removing SARA protection for the…
Swimming with Sharks
Guest Blogger: Anthony Joseph Over a five day stretch in February the Canadian Wildlife Federation along with world-record breath-holding free diver and ocean environmentalist William Winram toured across Ontario to…
Setting the Record Straight on Right Whales
This article was written by CWF’s Marine Manager, Sean Brillant. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a U.S. environmental activist organization, recently released a report entitled Net Loss: The…
There’s Been Another Escape
There’s been yet another salmon escape from a fish farm. One aquaculture company on the south coast has lost 20,000 salmon from a sea cage. Salmon escapes like this are…
Red Rockette on Global News!
Check out Mike James from the Canadian Sea Turtle Network as he reports the latest and greatest on our Turtle Race winner, Red Rockette!
Have You Heard? Red Rockette’s Tag Has Been Retrieved!
Did you follow the Great Canadian Turtle Race? If you did, then you’ll know that Red Rockette was the winner! She nested on Bobalito Beach in Colombia. So exciting for…