161 posts
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- Species
The Good, the Bad and the Invasive
Did you know that the second largest threat to biodiversity is invasive species? That’s right after habitat loss. Non-native species can come from other countries or from right here in…
On a Collision Course: CWF Investigates Small Vessel Impact on North Atlantic Right Whales
For the North Atlantic Right Whale — one of the most critically endangered baleen whales in the world — 2017 proved to be a terrible year. In 2017, at least 13 dead…
Modernizing the Fisheries Act
Canada’s Fisheries Act has now been re-jigged and cast to the Senate for final review before becoming law. While that’s something to celebrate, there are still a few lines that…
Tropical Sea Turtles in Canada!?
Laura Newman is a participant in Group 2 of the Canadian Conservation Corps. She writes of her experience in her field learning placement. It’s true! Every summer our waters are invaded by gentle…
All Caught Up — Disentangling Whales in Newfoundland and Labrador
The fact is whales get tangled in fishing gear. Whether whales are in search of food, migrating or are just curious, these animals can become entangled. The rope or net…
A Resolution We Must Keep
Our thanks to the Toronto Star for its January 2nd editorial calling on the federal government to make a New Year’s resolution to save the critically endangered North Atlantic Right…
Season Wrap-Up: Lessons from a Conservation Crisis
As the shock of the terrible events of this year begins to wear off, a series of meetings are underway to begin preparing for the future. These meetings are motivated…
Understanding the Incident Report for the 2017 North Atlantic Right Whale Mortality Event in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
During the summer of 2017, we seemed to be discovering dead or entangled North Atlantic Right Whales every week in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Throughout this catastrophe, teams of…