Posts by author
April Overall
Five Ways to Attract Dragonflies to Your Backyard
They’ll Keep Your Garden Mosquito Free (or close to!) All Summer Long! Did you know that dragonflies are natural mosquito predators? These amazing creatures can eat hundreds of mosquitos in…
The Plight of the Southern Resident Killer Whales
Four threats that have led the population to the brink of extinction In 2018, our hearts broke when Talequah, a female Killer Whale, carried her dead baby for over two…
Five Stunning Climbing Plants You Should Grow in Your Garden
Maximize your outdoor space and help wildlife Goodbye nosy neighbours! Adding climbing plants to your property can help to give you a little more privacy and make practical use of…
Things are Stacking Up Against the Monarch
The Canadian Wildlife Federation and other conservation groups have been pushing for the Monarch Butterfly to be listed as Endangered, a decision which is expected to come from the Government…
The 5 MOST at-risk Freshwater Turtles in Canada
Canada is home to eight native freshwater turtle species, all of which are at some level of risk. Today, we’re going to highlight the five species (or subspecies) that are…
Grow These 13 Plants to Give Spring Bees Something to Forage
Bumblebees are some of our first pollinators to emerge from hibernation in the spring. Researchers from the University of Ottawa have found that, with climate change, spring is arriving earlier…
Could Turtles Live Forever if it Weren’t for Humans?
Retinol. Microneedling. Red light therapy. A nip here. A tuck there. We go above and beyond to keep ourselves looking young. But for turtles, they come by the elixir of…
Plants That Thrive in Soggy Spots
If you’ve got an area in your garden that’s particularly soggy and you’re not sure quite what to do with it, we’ve got you covered! You’ll find all sorts of…
Air Pollution is Hurting Our Pollinators
In Canada a shocking 86 per cent of Canadians live in regions with unhealthy levels of air pollution. These levels are due to natural sources of air pollution like forest…
How to Clean Out a Nest Box
You might be reading this with a call for 15 centimetres of snow in the forecast but winter won’t last forever. Spring is on the horizon. If you forgot to…