We all know that the food chain is ruthless.

Leatherbacks simply can’t go on without chowing down on jellyfish. And owls need to eat rodents to get by. But what of animals that kill or attack their own kind?

Gray Wolves


Wolves work as a pack, but that pack is structured into a strict hierarchy system. There’s always one dominant male and a dominant female. Everyone in the pack knows who’s at the top – even their stance is different. Dominant wolves stand strong with their tails held high and submissive wolves are supposed to take note. They’re supposed to stay close to the ground, with their tails behind their legs to show their subservience. If they don’t, and they confront a dominant wolf, they’ll likely be attacked.

Western Toad

Western toad

When mating season arrives after the snow has melted (usually between April and July), Western Toads can be relentless in their pursuit for a mate. Some even lose their lives in the process. Males will hop on top of a female. However, they may continue to pile on even after one male is already on top, creating a ball which can drown the female underneath.



With the largest range of all terrestrial mammals in the western hemisphere, the Cougar lives a solitary life and often in quite harsh conditions. They often live within a certain range and are incredibly territorial. They’ll often mark their territory covering leaves and dirt with their urine and feces. But sometimes, when these wild cats have to compete for limited resources, it will lead to a fight that can lead to death. Moreover, male Cougars are not to be trusted with its own young. Females usually will not let a male near their kittens as he may lash out violently and kill them if he doesn’t realize they are his own kittens.