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turtle nesting season
Worst Turtle Nest of the Year Award
Turtles nest in a wide variety of locations. Although the locations vary a lot, they all have a few things in common. Turtles nest in open areas that get lots…
Down By The Bay: Releasing Blanding’s Turtle Hatchlings Near My House
A Little Help for 15 Little Friends I’ve been working for the Canadian Wildlife Federation for a few years now. I’m quite familiar with our freshwater turtle conservation program and…
Build It and They Will Nest
Many turtle nests fall victim to nest predators like raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes. To help ensure more nests hatch successfully, the Canadian Wildlife Federation and its partners have been…
Saving Turtles, One Egg at a Time
Protecting a turtle’s nest is an investment in the future. Each protected nest represents turtles that may reach adulthood 10 or even 20 years into the future. Each unprotected nest…
We’ve Got Turtle Eggs!
Turtles face many threats, including habitat loss, traffic mortality, and nest predation. Many predators, such as raccoons and skunks like nothing more than to feed on some freshly laid turtle…
Dead on the Road
Road mortality is a major threat to turtles for a number of reasons. Turtles can take up to 20 years to reach maturity and be able to breed, and once…
My First Day on the Job Helping At-risk Turtles
I woke up early with excitement on the morning of June 15th, 2017, because it was my first day working at Scales Nature Park. I didn’t know what my official…
Build it and they will hatch
Every June female turtles leave their homes in swamps and marshes to lay their eggs. A turtle “nest” is a fairly simple affair: the female digs a hole in the…
Why did the turtle cross the road?
The answer to this play-on-words is far from a children’s joke. Turtles often use a variety of wetlands over the course of the year. They may spend the winter in…