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Swimming in Musky Waters: Understanding Musk Turtles
One of the perks of working for the Canadian Wildlife Federation is that you never know what you may stumble upon. This particular story began in 2018. We were in…
How to Take Better Turtle Observations on iNaturalist Canada
iNaturalist is a great platform for recording observations of plants and animals. To date, over 140,000 people in Canada have submitted more than seven million observations to iNaturalist of upwards…
CWF’s Own Turtle Scientist Awarded National Honour
CWF recognized for leadership in turtle conservation The Canadian Wildlife Federation is pleased to announce that Freshwater Turtle Specialist Dave Seburn has been presented with the Blue Racer Award from…
Helping At-Risk Freshwater Turtles: From Start to Finish
In June of this year, CWF’s turtle team spent many long evenings searching for turtles laying eggs. In particular we were looking for Snapping Turtles and Blanding’s Turtles in the…
We’ve Got Turtle Eggs!
Turtles face many threats, including habitat loss, traffic mortality, and nest predation. Many predators, such as raccoons and skunks like nothing more than to feed on some freshly laid turtle…