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It’s Turtle Nesting Season!
Have you ever seen a turtle digging on the side of the road and wondered what they were doing? That was likely a female turtle nesting. That female may have…
All Caught Up — Disentangling Whales in Newfoundland and Labrador
The fact is whales get tangled in fishing gear. Whether whales are in search of food, migrating or are just curious, these animals can become entangled. The rope or net…
How to Make Super Simple Plastic Bottle Planters
Did you know that April 22 is Earth Day? This year’s theme is Plastic Pollution, so we’ve created an activity that can upcycle a plastic bottle you already have at…
Dear Canada: Will You Be My Valentine?
‘True patriot love’ is a phrase we hold dear to our hearts as Canadians. Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to be reminded of that love! There’s no better place…
A Resolution We Must Keep
Our thanks to the Toronto Star for its January 2nd editorial calling on the federal government to make a New Year’s resolution to save the critically endangered North Atlantic Right…
Wow, that was one amazing year! Celebrating Canada’s 150th with Hinterland Who’s Who
What a year we’ve had! Here at Hinterland Who’s Who, we’re wrapping up a super busy -but fun- year. Of course, we wanted to celebrate Canada’s 150th with you, and…
Season Wrap-Up: Lessons from a Conservation Crisis
As the shock of the terrible events of this year begins to wear off, a series of meetings are underway to begin preparing for the future. These meetings are motivated…