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Life After Death
Pacific Salmon are a keystone animal. What exactly is a keystone species? A keystone species holds an ecosystem together. They are the glue that holds the health, function, and survival…
Happy Canadian Rivers Day!
Today is Canadian Rivers Day, a day celebrated every year on the second Sunday in June. It’s a day to remember the importance of conserving the heritage and health of…
How Are You Celebrating Oceans Day?
June 8 is Oceans Day, your opportunity to celebrate Canada’s oceans and the life teeming within them. Declared in 1992 at the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Oceans…
Wonderful News For World Wetlands Day
On February 2, 2024, the world celebrates wetlands and human well-being. This is a great opportunity to showcase one of our fish passage projects in British Columbia. Turning the Tides…
Celebrating Our Wildlife Family
You and I, wildlife and their habitat, are all connected. As the end of year approaches and we are spending more time with family, friends or on our own, it’s…
Thanks to You…
…Canadian wildlife is in good hands! We closed last year with many wishes for helping wildlife. We started 2023 with evidence-based solutions to make those wishes come true. Last year…
What is going on in the Fraser River?
Researchers have mapped out the true extent of habitat loss for salmon in the Lower Fraser River Fraser Valley River is home to one of the most important – and…
The Plight of the Southern Resident Killer Whales
Four threats that have led the population to the brink of extinction In 2018, our hearts broke when Talequah, a female Killer Whale, carried her dead baby for over two…
The Benefits of Biodiversity
What is the global biodiversity framework about and why does it matter? Canada just hosted an international conference on biodiversity. But what is the global biodiversity framework about and why…
CWF Stands Up for Wildlife at COP15
The time is now for a new global agreement to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. Over the next two weeks, Canada will host 195 countries and the European Union for…