154 posts
Happy Canadian Rivers Day!
Today is Canadian Rivers Day, a day celebrated every year on the second Sunday in June. It’s a day to remember the importance of conserving the heritage and health of…
On the Road Again
Roads are a vital piece of infrastructure. They are necessary for transportation, whether it be personal travel, the shipment of goods, or other reasons. They connect communities, often forming dense…
6 Tips to Keep These Reptiles Safe
Did you know that turtles have been around for over 200 million years? It’s true! But now they’re in trouble. Canada has eight native freshwater turtle species which are all…
Updates to the Canadian Aquatic Barriers Database Helps Habitats
We have some exciting news to share about updates to the Canadian Aquatic Barriers Database (CABD)! We’re releasing new versions of our core data layers, filling important data gaps and…
How do you “Love Your Lake”?
What does it mean to love your lake? Loving your lake as a place to enjoy swimming, fishing, boating and exploring requires a commitment to care for and respect its…
60 Thousand Turtle Observations!
Shell yeah, we have more than 60,000 uploaded observations on iNaturalist Canada! iNaturalist Canada is a powerful community science platform that allows people across the country to record the native…
CWF Studies Invasive Red-eared Sliders’ Behaviours in Canadian Basking Sites
“Can I have a pet turtle?” A phrase many parents (my own included) the world over have heard from their kids upon encountering the tank of baby turtles at the…
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- Lakes & Rivers
Build a Rock Garden for Pollinators
Help the butterflies and bees in your backyard One in three bites of food we eat are thanks to pollinators. You can thank them for the bounty in your own…
Our Lakes are In Danger
You could be the answer! From urban runoff to shoreline degradation, our lakes are in serious trouble. And it doesn’t stop there. Approximately 10,000 tonnes of plastic are entering the…
How to Protect a Wetland With a Photograph
Did you know that one photograph could protect a wetland and all the species that depend upon it? If you submit a photo of a Blanding’s Turtle in Ontario to…