When people think of Canada’s wildlife, moose, beavers, and loons usually take centre stage.

But what about the species that only exist in Canada, the true “Products of Canada” in the natural world? These lesser-known plants and animals don’t appear on our coins or national emblems, but they are just as Canadian as maple syrup and double-doubles.

Endemic species, those found nowhere else on Earth, are living proof of Canada’s unique biodiversity.

Vancouver Island Marmot © Alina Fisher | iNaturalist.org

They’ve evolved alongside our landscapes, from the coastal rainforests of British Columbia to the tundra of the Arctic. Some are charismatic and well-known, like the Vancouver Island Marmot, while others, like the rare Ogden’s Pondweed, exist quietly in our waterways, unknown to many Canadians.

But while these species are exclusive to Canada, their survival isn’t guaranteed. Many have small, isolated populations, making them particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, climate change and other environmental pressures. That’s where everyday nature lovers like you come in.

Endemic Species: Closer Than You Think

iNaturalistThe best part about Canada’s endemic wildlife? You don’t need to travel deep into the wilderness to find them. Some of these species may be in your own backyard, a nearby park or along your favourite hiking trail. The key is knowing where to look and that’s where iNaturalist.ca can help.

INaturalist Canada is a tool that connects Canadians with their country’s biodiversity. By using the app or website, you can:

  • Discover which species are unique to Canada in your area
  • Track where and when these species are being observed
  • Contribute valuable data that helps scientists’ study and conserve them

Every time you upload a plant, insect, fish or bird sighting to iNaturalist, you’re adding to Canada’s biodiversity knowledge. Researchers use this data to monitor population trends, identify species at risk and inform conservation strategies. Even a single observation can make a difference!

A True Canadian Contribution

Guided hike during the City Nature Challenge event.

Canadians take pride in our natural spaces but conserving them isn’t just about saving forests and lakes, it’s also about safeguarding the species that call them home. By observing and documenting endemic species, we can ensure that future generations inherit a Canada just as wild and diverse as the one we know today.

So, the next time you’re out for a walk, take a closer look. That plant growing along the trail or that small mammal scurrying into the underbrush might be a species found only in Canada. And by sharing what you find on iNaturalist, you’re not just exploring the natural world you’re helping to protect it.

What’s the most Canadian species you’ve seen? Share your iNaturalist observations with us!