Your Mission, Should You Chose to Accept It…

This school year we invite you and the young people in your life to become Agents of Conservation by taking on a series of educational missions in support of biodiversity in our year-long operation, Mission Biodiversity!

Throughout the school year we’ll explore the five main threats to biodiversity, introduce you to a Canadian wildlife species that is impacted by that issue, and share some educational resources and projects to help you engage youth in learning about and taking action for wildlife in their community.

To get started, check out our initial mission briefing below, then sign up of our monthly WILD Education newsletter to receive future missions straight to your inbox!

Mission Briefing: Understanding Biodiversity

Before we dive into the missions and start exploring specific threats to biodiversity, it’s critical that you and your junior agents understand our target. So, what exactly is biodiversity?
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth. It includes all living things – plants, animals, bacteria and even fungi – and the ecosystems they form.
Did you also know that biodiversity exists on three different levels?

  • Genetic Diversity – This refers to the variation of genes within a species. This is what makes individuals of the same species different from one another. Genetic diversity is vital for the survival of a species, allowing them to adapt to changes and develop resistance to disease.
  • Species Diversity – This refers to the variety of species within a habitat or region. A high level of species diversity means a greater number of different kinds of organisms living in an area. Greater species diversity contributes to stronger, more resilient ecosystems.
  • Ecosystem Diversity – This refers to the variety of ecosystems on our planet, from forests and deserts to wetlands and oceans. Each ecosystem plays a unique role in maintaining the balance of life on Earth, providing essential services like clean air, water and food.

Mission Critical: Why Biodiversity Matters

The survival of all species, including humans, depends on biodiversity. Here’s why it’s Mission Critical.

  • Ecosystem Stability – Biodiversity ensures ecosystems remain stable and resilient. Diverse ecosystems can better withstand environmental changes and recover from disasters, ensuring continued support for all life forms.
  • Natural Resources – Biodiversity provides essential resources, such as food, water and even medicine! Many medicines we rely on today originated from plants, animals and microorganisms. Losing biodiversity means losing potential new resources that we have yet to discover.
  • Ecosystem Services – Healthy ecosystems perform vital services, such as pollination of crops, purification of water and air, decomposition of waste and climate regulation. These services are critical for sustaining life on Earth.
  • Cultural and Recreational Value – Biodiversity enriches our lives, offering cultural, educational and recreational opportunities that inspire, bring joy and foster well-being.

When biodiversity is compromised, all these benefits are at risk. That’s why it’s essential for you and your junior agents to learn more about the threats to biodiversity and find ways to take action!

Explore Local Biodiversity

To better understand and appreciate the incredible variety of life in their own community, you can also prepare for our upcoming missions by exploring local biodiversity in your area using! By clicking the Explore tab, you can enter your location to discover the wide range of plants and animals that have been documented by other community members. You can also become citizen scientists by adding their own biodiversity observations to the platform!

Stay alert for our next mission briefing, coming soon. We’re counting on you to help protect Canadian wildlife through Mission Biodiversity!